Monday, 12 November 2012

Nearly half way!

I'm now 18 weeks 3 days along, only one more week and I'll be exactly half way through this journey! (since Squirt is coming a week early). Where on earth has all the time gone!? the weeks are just speeding by, It's true when they say your first pregnancy seems to feel like 9 years instead of 9 months and you count the weeks one by one painstakingly slow but I wasn't lying when I said in my last blog post that it's going by so fast that sometimes I actually have to sit there and calculate how far along I am, sometimes giving myself a shock that I'm that far along lol.

You know when they say you have one baby that's your dream baby? Well the same goes for pregnancies in my books because this is my dream pregnancy... I was constantly in hospital with my pregnancy with Hunter including a mad dash to the hospital in an ambulance on Christmas morning 2010 vomiting my poor little heart out! The following day, Boxing Day, I was getting pumped full of fluids, by 4pm I was on my 12th bag and had a constant stream of nausea medication....I was diagnosed with hyperemesis and spent the next 25 weeks on daily medication and my head hanging over a sink or the toilet (which ever one I reached first). I had constant bleeds including three sub chronic haematoma's, one of which was so bad it was like a bloody waterfall gushing out, I was plagued with migraines and gained 25kg by the end of it, I just had a very difficult time with it 18 weeks on with this pregnancy I have had none of that *knock on wood!*, I had nausea which nearly sent me hurling into a bush on a few occasions but nothing that couldn't be managed.
I am really enjoying it all and because I've experienced pregnancy before I know exactly what to look out for  in regards to movements (not mistaking them for gas) and it just makes me smile every time I feel a kick or when the somersaults start (Squirts favourite thing at the moment). Just this weekend I saw my stomach move for the first time, seeing it instead of just feeling it adds even more "realness" to it all, it's all so exciting! Even Hunter loves sitting on my lap and taps my belly while saying "baaaaby baaaaaby!", He's becoming quite aware of mummy's growing belly!

Hunter playing with his cousin

One thing I absolutely love about subsequent pregnancies is how pre stretched everything is so you show much earlier! I love being able to show my belly off and it means a lot more opportunities to play with people's heads when they ask "Is this your second?" ....hehehehe

12 weeks                14 weeks                16 weeks                18 weeks

So the most exciting scan is approaching, only four more days until the anatomy scan where the gender will be confirmed, four more days!!!!!!! Well i'm already convinced it's a boy after our fabulous obstetrician made the boy bits find four weeks ago but it's Sara that needs the convincing and then she'll still need at least two more scans after that just to stop annoying me with her "ooooo I'm not really convinced" comments lol.

So that's the latest update from me, sorry it's a rather short update but there's only so much that happens within a week and I'll be sure to share the gender news in next Monday's blog so stay tuned for team blue news!...or in Sara's case maybe team blue news.

And as always if there is any aspect of this surrogacy journey you want me to talk about please just ask and I'll be more than happy to have a little blog chat about it!

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